
Krisann Blair – Author | Speaker | Christmas Organizing Founder
About Me . . .
During the Christmas of 1998, I discovered that in all the busyness of the season, I had missed the Spirit of Christmas. Resolving never to let that happen again, I set out on a journey to make my Christmas a time of peace, joy, and family celebrations. During this process, I founded Christmas Organizing.com to be able to share with others my insights into a more JOYful Christmas season. Come along on my journey and allow me to share ideas and encouragement for you to have a less stressful and more JOYful Christmas season.
Christmas has always been an essential part of my life, and my mother always made it extra special, even from my very first Christmas.
Currently, I reside in Jackson, TN, with my husband, Ashley, and children Ashlyn and Aaron and my daughter-in-law Destiny.
Traveling is one of our favorite family activities, and we love Disney (especially cruising) and one of my favorite times at Disney is Christmas. I also participate in our local FCE Extension Club (Family & Community Education), 4-H, our neighborhood group, D.A.R., and our church. Besides Christmas, my favorite hobbies include crafting, cooking, family research, card games, and puzzles.
Throughout the years, I have spoken at churches, writer’s conferences, Christmas stores, radio and television and I love to teach others about embracing the Christmas season and creating a plan for a less stressful holiday season. Other honors include Entrepreneur Magazine as an Intel Road Warrior, USA Today newspaper, Women’s World Magazine, and local publications.
How Christmas Organizing Began . . .
The Christmas of 1998 changed the way I approached Christmas because it was a disaster. If you look at our pictures from that year, you would never know it. The pictures in the album show happy kids opening gifts in the floor by the Christmas tree. But photographs do not tell the whole story.
The rest of the story is that early Christmas morning before the kids got up, I decorated only the bottom of the tree. The bottom was all that would show up in the pictures. We had cereal for breakfast instead of our traditional breakfast casserole. Gifts were missing – I ran out of time to shop and others were lost somewhere in the house. The greatest disappointment for me, though, was that for the first time we missed Christmas Eve church services. All this, plus other small things, left me feeling like a failure that Christmas. The worst thing was that I knew how to plan for Christmas because my mother had taught me through all the years growing up.
She loved Christmas, and she always made it joyful and special no matter what. That is when I decided I needed to put what my mother taught me into action.
Christmas Organizing was started in December of 1998 just days after Christmas as a way for people to “gather” online via a message board to support each other in getting and staying organized for Christmas through year-long planning. I shared Christmas tips and challenges each day with the group. What I started all those years ago as a way to keep me focused has turned into a love and passion for teaching and helping others have the Christmas season they desire