Christmas Gift Interviews

Do you ever find yourself scratching your head, trying to decide on a Christmas gift for “hard to buy for” people?
One way to help you come up with a well thought out gift is to make a date with those on your gift list.
While your “date” may be on the phone or over lunch or dinner, it is important to go fact-finding during this time, and of course, try not to let them know exactly what you are doing!
Use the Gift Idea form to record information about each person’s favorite things, from foods to vacation spots and everything in between. Referring to this page when making final gift decisions will be a tremendous help to giving unique, personal gifts that say “you know me” to the recipient.
Note: If you are a CO Patron, your forms can be accessed via your Patreon account. (Need forms? Join the Candy Cane Club for your free set!)