Creating Gifting Groups

Recording and tracking your gift-giving needs during the Christmas season can seem overwhelming and make your holiday spirit hard to find, just like a parking place at the mall on Christmas Eve.
In the last challenge, we created a Christmas Organizing Master Gift List; while this is a great start, it does not solve the more significant problem of organizing your gift recipients. For this, we need to separate your list into Gifting Groups.
Gifting Groups are sheets which contain recipients who are related to each other in some way. Examples would include workplace gifts, gifts for Sunday school members, gifts for your club friends, gifts for your close friends, gifts for different families, etc. Each form has room for 14 names; therefore, if your group has more than this, use multiple forms.
Using your Master Gift List, begin filling in your Christmas Organizing form (or use a blank sheet of paper) based on each person’s assigned group. As you transfer names, write down any ideas for gifts you may have for that person. Depending on when you are completing this task, you may have already selected, purchased, and wrapped a gift for some people, so go ahead and mark that also. Once you have completed your pages initially, place them into your Christmas Organizing Notebook for easy access as you continue to work on your Christmas gift list.
Keeping a record for each group will significantly help you with your holiday preparations. When you have one group completed, including wrapping and tagging, place the gifts in a box for mailing or another container or bag if they are to be delivered locally and mark that group COMPLETE! What a great feeling to have one group completely done.
After the Christmas season, you can add these pages to a reference file, allowing you to recall what you gave to each person each year, so your sister doesn’t end up with the same gift two years in a row!
Note: If you are a CO Patron, your forms can be accessed via your Patreon account. (Need forms? Join the Candy Cane Club for your free set!)