Designate Your Gifts

Designate Your Gifts

When you purchase gifts in advance, many times, you may forget exactly who it is for or what occasion. Personally, my gift closet has gifts for year-round gift-giving, not just Christmas, but all holidays and special events. This can create the problem of not knowing which item was for whom; even if I have put it on my inventory sheet, it can still get confusing.

There is a simple solution to this problem. Tag all your items as you place them in your gift closet. To make this an easy task, keep a pad of sticky notes and a pen close by so you can quickly tag the item with as much information as you feel necessary. Then place the item into the gift closet.

If you are purchasing multiple gifts for one person, another easy way to “tag” their gifts is to assign a specific box or bag to all gifts for that one person. Then when you get ready to wrap, all the gifts for that person are in one place.