Weekly Christmas Grocery Shopping List

Weekly Christmas Grocery Shopping List

Save time and money on all your food you will need for the Christmas season.  The goal is to add a few items in each category every week you go to the grocery store 2-3 months or more ahead of time.  You can use your grocery store sale flyer each week to add items when they are on sale.

Download this PDF and print off one copy for each week between now and Christmas.  Use your Christmas Grocery List planning pages to fill this weekly list that you can easily take with you to the store.

The form has space to add 5 items for each section:

  • Baking
  • Special Dinners
  • December Dinners
  • Food Gifts
  • Food to Donate (for your donation box to a local food bank or other charity in December)

From Krisann, the Christmas Coach:  Once I have all my grocery lists filled out in my planner, I begin transferring items onto a Weekly Christmas Grocery Shopping List planning form.  Each week when I go to do my regular grocery shopping, I take one sheet with me and add the items to my shopping trip.  This helps me save not only time but also money because I can look for things on sale by shopping ahead of time.