Organizing Your Gift Storage Area

Organizing Your Gift Storage Area

Once you’ve found a spot to collect all your purchases, it’s time to get organized and keep track of those gifts you’ve bought.

Over the years, I’ve tried different methods to keep track of all the gifts I’ve purchased, and I’ve settled on two approaches: the list method and the card method. Let’s dive into both options below, and you can choose the one that suits you best.

If you prefer keeping all your information in your Christmas planning notebook, then the Gift Box Inventory planning page is your go-to. I’ve created two separate planning pages for you. One is for a general list of items you’ve purchased but haven’t assigned yet. The other page is for gifts you’ve bought and have already assigned to someone. You can use this planning page to jot down information about each gift, like the item name, recipient, occasion (in case it’s not for Christmas), and the type of wrapping you plan to use. Keep adding to this list as you buy gifts throughout the year and place them in your gift closet. The only downside to the list method is that you can’t quickly move items around on your list like you can with the card system. However, it works great if you’re buying gifts for specific people.

Now, if you tend to buy gifts without a specific recipient in mind or want more detailed information about your purchases, using Gift Box Inventory Cards has been the easiest method for me to keep a record of my gift purchases. These cards have space to note down who the gift is for, the original cost, the price you paid, the occasion it’s intended for, the date you gave it, and so on. They allow you to maintain a more detailed record of your gifts. With the card system, you can use a file box to store them, creating sections for assigned and unassigned gifts. This way, you can easily see what’s inside your gift closet without digging through everything.

In my gift closet, I currently have a wide range of items ready to be given as gifts, and the only way I can keep track of everything is by using a card system. The more complex your gift closet becomes, the more crucial organization becomes. It’s not just about saving time but also about maintaining your sanity by always knowing what gifts you have available for any occasion.

Oh, and if you’re a member of the Candy Cane Club via Patreon, you have access to the gift storage planning pages and a template for the Gift Box Inventory Cards that you can print. CLICK HERE

Photo by Bynder on Unsplash