Consider having themes for your gift giving to help streamline gifts and help your budget. Create a theme around a central gift or idea for each person and ask others to help also. This could be going in on one
Category: Planning
Free and Low Cost Ideas for Christmas
Take a sheet of paper in your notebook and begin making a list of free and low-cost gift ideas. If you find the ideas online, print out the idea, and place it in your notebook. Here are a few ideas:
Create Ledger Sheets
Create a Christmas Organizing Ledger sheet for each area that you plan on spending money for this Christmas. Think about all the different places you spend money during the holiday season. If you have the Christmas Organizing forms, you will
Cost of Mailing Cards
Take into consideration the cost of mailing your Christmas cards. There are several things that can cause your postage to be more than you were planning: size, weight, and thickness. Did you know that if your card is not in
Christmas Card Questions
The stress of sending cards can be reduced if you take a few minutes to think about the little details involved in sending Christmas cards. Ask yourself the following questions: 1. Do you even like to send Christmas cards? If
Create a List of Expenses
Where Oh Where Has my Money Gone? On what items do you spend money during the Christmas season? At Christmas, it is often not the big items that drain our money resources but rather the “little things” that we do
Notebook Challenge: Assign Different Colors
Use a multicolor pen or colored pencils and assign different colors for different people in your family for your calendar. If you use an online calendar, make each person a category and assign that category a color. One of the
Notebook Challenge: Combine Your Calendars
Do you have an online calendar for daily use? Make sure you combine your written Christmas calendar from your Christmas Organizing Notebook with your online calendar so you can see the BIG picture. If you have the ability with your
Notebook Challenge: Just Say No!
Is the Christmas season stressful for you because you have so many events and not enough time? Many years ago, one of my closest friends, Darla, told me to learn to say no to many of the requests of my
Notebook Challenge: Can You Tell Me When?
Call now and find out when events you do every year for this year. Mark them on your calendar. One important part of your Christmas Calendar deals with your activities during the holiday season. Does your family always go to