Christmas Savings and Spending Plan
Christmas is a time when many people throw caution to the wind and just buy what they think will make everyone else happy—often charging the purchases, to deal with the outcome in January. This is not a good strategy because it only causes more stress. With planning, you can put back money throughout the year to help with expenses in December.
Take a sheet of paper in your notebook and begin making a list of free and low-cost gift ideas. If ...
Create a Christmas Organizing Ledger sheet for each area that you plan on spending money for this Christmas. Think about ...
Having a Christmas savings account and a Christmas change jar are two strategies for saving money for Christmas. A Christmas ...
Christmas Saving Packets will be where you put your other ½ of savings each month. The packets will keep this ...
Take a sheet of paper and on the top write “Budget Stretchers” and on the sheet write down different ideas ...
Where Oh Where Has my Money Gone? On what items do you spend money during the Christmas season? At Christmas, ...
Budgeting is defined as “a plan for the coordination of resources and expenditures” (Merriam-Webster dictionary). Budgeting, for many of us, ...
Budgeting, for many of us, is a dirty word - but it does not have to be. Creating a spending ...